125 – The Best Horror Books of 2022

The year is almost over. What is left to do except offer you my last-minute ranking of the best books I’ve read and enjoyed in 2022.

I will warn you – I am poorly and my voice sounds like ten miles of bad gravel. This sounds like the Reba McIntyre book club. I am HUSKY!!

Hang around for the afterword when my voice finally gives out as I labour over a long and elaborate thank-you for listening and supporting the show this year. At times 2022 has felt like a waking nightmare, but here in Spookybooklandia, we’ve kept things ironically nice.  

Love to you all.

Happy New Year. Here’s to the next.

Books mentioned:

  •  A Child Alone With Strangers (2022), by Philip Fracassi
  • All the White Spaces (2022), by Ally Wilkes 
  • Mary: An Awakening of Terror (2022), by Nat Cassidy 
  • Burn the Plans (2022), by Tyler Jones 
  • The Hollow Kind (2022), by Andy Davidson
  • Screams from the Dark (2022), ed. Ellen Datlow
  • House of Hunger (2022), by Alexis Henderson
  • Reluctant Immortals (2022), by Gwendolyne Kiste
  • Then I Woke Up (2022), by Malcolm Devlin
  • The Clackity (2022), by Lora Senf 

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